Here you can find answers to the most common questions.
If you wish to register a new account, please, do the following:
If you would like to change your email address, do the following:
If you would like to change your password, do the following:
If you are not receiving the password reset email or do not remember your login email at all, please contact us!
The confirmation email should be delivered to your email account immediately after signing up. Sometimes, it may take some time.
If you did not receive an email after 30 minutes, please check your spam/trash folder or contact us.
If you have paid but are still receiving a limitation message while trying to use our tools, you probably have logged into an incorrect account.
You can check whether an account is active via the Active Subscription section on your Dashboard. If it states that you do not have a subscription and you have tried logging in with all possible emails, please contact us.
The answer is: Yes! By utilizing our Premium features, you can use fast and reliable PDF2Go tools as a business solution for you and your team.
Yes, you may register a single account, log into it on different machines, and use our service from different devices.
But as you can see on the pricing page, there are limitations for concurrent conversions. Don't be surprised if, during the frequent use, files will be stuck in the queue for a while.
If you would wish to close your account, please do the following:
To prevent spam emails in the users inbox, email providers have developed different algorithms to classify an email as spam or ham. Normally, emails from are not classified as spam, because we never send unwanted emails. But some email providers have algorithms that seem to need some more fine tuning.
To be sure that emails from us get straight to your inbox, you need to whitelist "" before we send an email to you. To do so, go to your email account and add us to your contacts, contact list or whitelist, create a filter or whatever it is called by your email provider. Of course you can always revert this whenever you decide.
Yahoo Mail:
There are similar options when you use other email providers.
If you are using Boxbe, look in your Wait List Folder and add our email address manually to your Guest List. Our automated system will refuse any eail that is coming from Boxbe requesting a manual approval.
Any E-Mail service that sends us an E-Mail requesting a manual approval will be ignored by our automated system. You need to whitelist us before in their system. Please consult their service for more help.
By choosing a paid subscription, you are getting:
We accept payments through Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Payment via PayPal is also available.
You can update your payment information in your account.
Login to your account and go to your Dashboard. Here, you can find your payment information and update the payment method.
Yes, the premium plans are subscription-based and will be automatically renewed.
Did you sign up using an old email address that you no longer have access to? Do you suspect fraud? If you're not sure, please, contact our support team!
Once you log in to your account, you can view and download all previous invoices in your Dashboard under Payment History.
Please check if your card is one that we accept. When a transaction is declined, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
You can cancel the renewal at any time. Just log in to your account, go to your Dashboard, and cancel it under Active Subscriptions. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to get a refund for your purchase, please contact us.
We do not keep a copy of your file.
You can delete your file from our server immediately after the conversion. Otherwise, all transferred files will be automatically deleted after 24 hours or after 10 downloads.
We guarantee the privacy of your file because no one else has access to the file except you. PDF2Go does not back up or actively monitor your files; the service is completely automated.
We understand the concerns about your privacy. These are the steps we take to protect your files:
Absolutely not. We do not intend to gain the legal right to your files. In addition, all user files are deleted after a short period of time.
In other words, you keep the copyright and ownership of the source file and the converted file. We don't own or have exclusive rights to your content.
We recognize how important it is to help protect your privacy and security. If you believe you have found a security issue, we will gladly work with you to resolve it.
Please, contact us and report the problem. When properly notified, we will do our best to process your emailed report, investigate the issue, and fix potential problems as quickly as possible.
We do not read, look into or make any copies of your files. All file processing is completely automated. Therefore, there is no human interaction with the files.
You can delete your file from our server immediately after the conversion is done. Otherwise, all transferred files will be automatically deleted after 24 hours or after 10 downloads, whichever comes first.
We put great importance on the protection of your data and the protection of your privacy.
If you want to know how PDF2Go handles your data, how our services work and how the protection of your personal data is guaranteed, please check our Privacy Policy you can access at this link.
There can be a lot of reasons why the conversion has failed. For example:
If you feel like there is an error, do not hesitate to contact us. We are constantly trying to improve our converter and we would appreciate your feedback.
If your upload fails, it's probably due to one of the following reasons:
If you have processed a file and clicked the "Download" button on a tool page, your file should be in the default download folder. In cases where you receive an error message, or your browser stops working, please try to download your file again.
The link we provide to you for downloading the converted file is valid for 24 hours or 10 downloads, whichever comes first.
Processing speed depends on many factors. The time it will take to get your files converted will depend on your own internet connection speed, the size of the uploaded files and also on how busy our servers are.
There are a couple of reasons why you might not be able to convert your files.
The most common ones being:
Please check the original file on your computer and make sure that it is opening properly. Also check that the file does not require a password to open and does not have any protection enabled.
The formatting of your document may change slightly after using our PDF to Microsoft Office converters.
When converting PDF to Word, for example, the resulting Word document will be optimized to allow you to edit the text, so it might not look exactly like the original PDF.
Also, if the original PDF file was not created from a Microsoft Office document, it may contain a complicated layout, which cannot be created in Microsoft Word. In this case, the output file may not keep the original layout perfectly.
If you encounter such a problem, please, contact us. At PDF2Go, we are continuously improving our services, notably the creating of an editable document, while keeping the original layouts and formatting as accurate as possible.
Font issues are the most common issues for PDF conversions. If the fonts in your document changed after using one of the PDF tools, it's probably because we do not have access to original fonts on our servers. To prevent this issue, try to embed your fonts before converting the files.
How To Embed Fonts in a Word File:
If you are not satisfied with the original compression of your document, we suggest you try one of our stronger presets. However, keep in mind the lower quality of such significantly compressed documents.
There are two compression methods available via our Compress PDF tool: Basic compression (default) and Strong compression. For even more control, you can select one of the six additional presets:
In order to successfully convert text and images from your scanned PDF document into the editable Word format, when using our PDF to Word Converter, please select the option "Convert with OCR".
OCR technology recognizes text and characters from scanned PDF documents, photographs, and even digital camera-captured images. It will preserve the textual layout of scanned PDFs. Select the appropriate language from our list to improve the result of the text recognition.
If you would like to remove the Chrome Extension "PDF2Go - PDF Editor & Converter", do the following:
To remove the Firefox extension, do the following: