EPUB - Electronic Publication

What is an EPUB file

EPUB (short for Electronic Publication) is an e-book file format that uses the .epub file extension. It is one of the most popular eBook formats used all over the world.

Since EPUB is usually free from digital right management (DRM) restrictions, eBooks in this format can be downloaded and read on many devices. The reflowable file format permits users to open their eBooks on screens as small as 3.5’.

This format is implemented as an archive file consisting of XHTML files carrying the content along with images and other supporting files.

How to open the EPUB file

Here is a small, but not an exhaustive list of programs that can open EPUB documents:

  • Mobipocket Reader Desktop
  • Adobe Digital Editions
  • Sony Reader
  • Apple Books
  • Google Books
  • Calibre

How to convert EPUB to PDF online

If you want to be able to read the EPUB file in any app or reader that supports PDF files, you can easily convert the file using PDF2Go's - EPUB to PDF converter.

More on: How to convert EPUB to PDF.