DOCX - Word Document

What is a DOCX file

DOCX is the file format used by Microsoft Word. Documents created with the program are saved using the .docx file extension. It was introduced with Microsoft Word 2007 for Windows and Microsoft Word 2008 or macOS.

The document can contain text with various text formattings such as font, font color, bold and cursive, superscript, and much more. Furthermore, DOCX supports images, tables, lists, charts, as well as other media and elements. What makes it better than the earlier file format used by Word, DOC, is the fact that it follows the Office Open XML international standard. The advantage is that the files are smaller, less prone to corruption, and images are better formatted.

How do I open a DOCX file

You can open DOCX files with Microsoft Word which is available for both Windows and macOS computers. It is the best program to open these documents with. Since DOCX was introduced in Microsoft Word 2007 (for Windows), older versions of Word cannot open DOCX files. All newer Microsoft Word programs can create and open DOCX files.

Other word processors also support DOCX files. However, the formatting might get distorted or lost entirely. Some web and mobile applications can open DOCX files as well.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open DOCX documents:

  • Microsoft Word 2007 and newer
  • LibreOffice Writer
  • Corel WordPerfect
  • Apple Pages
  • Google Docs
  • Google Drive

Extension DOCX
MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
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